Q & A

These are the most frequently asked questions from our users:

What is danceegg?

Danceegg is the ultimate platform to learn how to dance all kind of styles from top instructors.

What am I paying for with the monthly subscription?

You are paying for unlimited access to all our instruction videos. No limit of time or quantity.

What is the difference between normal or premium videos?

DanceEgg has two levels of subscriptions, Gold & Platinum.
Our Gold subscription provides you unlimited viewing of our in house DanceEgg instructors on a variety of dance styles. All instructors in this category are professional and acclaimed in their field.
Our Platinum subscription provides you access to all the content in our Gold subscription and unlimited viewing of the best dance instructors in the world. These instructors are world renown for being at the top of their field.

When do I start getting charged?

After the 3 days trial you start being charged to your paypal account every month.
Exception: It might happen for special occasion that we release promo codes to get more than 3 days trial.

What if I don't have paypal account?

No worries, we got you covered, if you don't have a paypal account, you still have the option on the paypal screen to enter your credit card information and subscribe with us.